Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How Popular is Agloco?

I just did a Google search on “AGLOCO” and got 1,420,000 pages of results (– (Note Google results can very by as much as 100,000 from one minute to the next I have noticed.)

What does 1,110,000 Google search pages mean? – That is what I decided to think about.

The first mention of AGLOCO on the Internet was on November 3, 2006 (by a blog called GigaOM) – 3 months ago . So it has been growing 10,000+ new pages a day more or less. But that does not really tell too much of a story. So I decided to o some ‘comparative shopping’.

I put “Kobe Bryant” in Google – got 1,880,000 – that is more than AGLOCO, but then he has been an NBA superstar for 10 years now. Give AGLOCO another 90 days and it will be bigger than Kobe on the Internet. (I tried Wilt Chamberlain too - 694,000 so AGLOCO has already passed up Wilt.)

I decided to try some more famous people: Queen Victoria 1,650,000 – you remember Queen of England for 68 years – long enough and powerful enough to have a moral standard after her “Victorian Era” and an architectural style “Victorian Houses” – AGLOCO should pass her on the Internet by May. I just did a Google search on “AGLOCO” and got 1,110,000 pages of results (– (Note Google results can very by as much as 100,000 from one minute to the next I have noticed.)

Now, what did I learn from all this? Well a lot more respect for the active AGLOCO community that already exists. In 90 days, they have already built the foundation for what might be the ‘next big thing’. Yes, it is fun to ‘beat up on’ an old golfer or an ex-president. But my thoughts go to the fact that AGLOCO is still in pre-launch. No product, no advertising. Nothing is pushing this company forward besides You and Me – the founding members.

What will it grow to? Well if I am right “the sky’s the limit.” YouTube - 123,000,000 (two years), eBay 390,000,000, (eleven years), and Google 892,000,000 (nine years). Wow, 892,000,000 in nine years – that is 100,000,000 new pages a year or about 300,000 pages a day 12,000 an hour. I better get this blog posted to add my one more page for Google.

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